How to create your streaming setup?
If you want to get into the streaming world, choose your equipment carefully. Beyond your content, it is the quality of the stream that will make the difference with your viewers, so don't neglect anything. 
Green screen, microphone and microphone support, screen support, ergonomic desk, headset... how to choose the ideal equipment without investing a fortune? We give you some keys.

The essential material to start in streaming

Today, it is possible to stream from a PC, a console and even a cell phone. However, KIMEX advises you to opt for a computer which will be more powerful and will allow you to better control your stream. Take a good capture software that will allow you to share your screen with your viewers and customize your scene. Add to that the sound & image equipment, the desktop, and the list goes on.

The image

Without image, no video stream! Whether it's your screenshot, your set or you, the visual atmosphere of your stream must be taken care of.

The camera allows you to film your reactions and offer a more immersive experience to your viewers. For this, two solutions are available to you depending on your budget and your ability to set up the device: 

  • The webcam: easily configurable and available at a reasonable cost. 
  • The camera: more complicated to set up and more expensive but superior image quality. 
In order to optimize the rendering of your camera/webcam, KIMEX advises you to equip yourself with LED panels in order to light the scene and your face. A good camera will not be enough to ensure a quality image if your environment is too dark.

If you want to increase the impression of immersion of the viewers, you can opt for a green background. The latter allows you to make the background disappear and to directly insert yourself in the scene.

The sound

Sound is certainly the most important element of your streaming setup. Poor sound quality will drive most of your viewers away. If you have to choose between a good microphone and a good camera, choose the microphone. The investment will be more profitable and you will be able to invest in a high quality camera later on.

The choice of microphone is not to be taken lightly. If you want a plug-and-play solution, choose a USB microphone. On the other hand, if you want a finely tuned microphone, opt for a model with an XLR output and a sound card.

What about the headset in all this? With or without a built-in microphone? A good headset gives you excellent sound quality and ensures hours of comfortable streaming. While most headsets with built-in microphones offer decent sound, models that combine sound quality and microphone quality are more expensive. Remember, sound is a key part of your streaming setup.

The desk

Streams can easily last several hours; as you can see, your comfort is not to be taken lightly. If the chair and the desk are part of the priorities for a streaming setup, you should not leave aside the screen and microphone supports. 

The motorised desk allows you to alternate between sitting and standing positions, giving you the option of raising or lowering the tabletop. With the help of an adjustment screen, you can set different positions and save them. 

Camera, microphone, screens and lighting, the list of essential equipment for streaming is important. 
You can choose to: 
  • Multiply the supports if you have the space. 
  • Opt for a more compact all-in-one stand. See the KIMEX streaming mounts 
The microphone support, like the screen support, allows you to adjust the position of your microphone with precision.

This has two advantages:
  • Saves space on your desk (the microphone is no longer placed on your desk). 
  • Better posture (you don't have to bend down to speak near the microphone). 

What's next? All you have to do is get started and share your passion with your community.

Our team is available should you require any information and will be happy to support you in your projects.

How to create your streaming setup?
If you want to get into the streaming world, choose your equipment carefully. Beyond your content, it is the quality of the stream that will make the difference with your viewers, so don't neglect anything. 
Green screen, microphone and microphone support, screen support, ergonomic desk, headset... how to choose the ideal equipment without investing a fortune? We give you some keys.

The essential material to start in streaming

Today, it is possible to stream from a PC, a console and even a cell phone. However, KIMEX advises you to opt for a computer which will be more powerful and will allow you to better control your stream. Take a good capture software that will allow you to share your screen with your viewers and customize your scene. Add to that the sound & image equipment, the desktop, and the list goes on.

The image

Without image, no video stream! Whether it's your screenshot, your set or you, the visual atmosphere of your stream must be taken care of.

The camera allows you to film your reactions and offer a more immersive experience to your viewers. For this, two solutions are available to you depending on your budget and your ability to set up the device: 

  • The webcam: easily configurable and available at a reasonable cost. 
  • The camera: more complicated to set up and more expensive but superior image quality. 
In order to optimize the rendering of your camera/webcam, KIMEX advises you to equip yourself with LED panels in order to light the scene and your face. A good camera will not be enough to ensure a quality image if your environment is too dark.

If you want to increase the impression of immersion of the viewers, you can opt for a green background. The latter allows you to make the background disappear and to directly insert yourself in the scene.

The sound

Sound is certainly the most important element of your streaming setup. Poor sound quality will drive most of your viewers away. If you have to choose between a good microphone and a good camera, choose the microphone. The investment will be more profitable and you will be able to invest in a high quality camera later on.

The choice of microphone is not to be taken lightly. If you want a plug-and-play solution, choose a USB microphone. On the other hand, if you want a finely tuned microphone, opt for a model with an XLR output and a sound card.

What about the headset in all this? With or without a built-in microphone? A good headset gives you excellent sound quality and ensures hours of comfortable streaming. While most headsets with built-in microphones offer decent sound, models that combine sound quality and microphone quality are more expensive. Remember, sound is a key part of your streaming setup.

The desk

Streams can easily last several hours; as you can see, your comfort is not to be taken lightly. If the chair and the desk are part of the priorities for a streaming setup, you should not leave aside the screen and microphone supports. 

The motorised desk allows you to alternate between sitting and standing positions, giving you the option of raising or lowering the tabletop. With the help of an adjustment screen, you can set different positions and save them. 

Camera, microphone, screens and lighting, the list of essential equipment for streaming is important. 
You can choose to: 
  • Multiply the supports if you have the space. 
  • Opt for a more compact all-in-one stand. See the KIMEX streaming mounts 
The microphone support, like the screen support, allows you to adjust the position of your microphone with precision.

This has two advantages:
  • Saves space on your desk (the microphone is no longer placed on your desk). 
  • Better posture (you don't have to bend down to speak near the microphone). 

What's next? All you have to do is get started and share your passion with your community.

Our team is available should you require any information and will be happy to support you in your projects.